Our Partners

We have the staff and technical support to provide high quality professional services in the areas of Audit,
Consulting and Fiscal and LegalAdvisory. Our structure is made up of the following areas:

  • Audit
  • Accounting
  • Fiscal and Legal Advisory
  • Consultancy
  • Financial Advisory

We have strategic alliances in the areas of:

  • International Trade
  • Transfer Pricing
  • Training
  • Special Services

Firm’s specialization by business sector:

We have specialists in different industries and sectors of the economy such as:

  • Real Estate
  • Retail Business
  • Construction
  • Hotel Industry
  • Hospitals
  • Chemical Industry
  • Manufacture
  • Financial Sector
  • Services


Bachelor of Economics, Accountant and has a Public Accountant license as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia dated October 8, 2014 Number: 711/KM.1/2014, as Managing Partner, has more than 25 years experience in Public Accounting Firms. Undergraduate (S1) at the Islamic University of Indonesia (Yogyakarta), PPAk at STIE Supra (Jakarta), and Masters (M.Ak.) at Pancasila University (Jakarta). Public Accountant Slamet Riyanto No. Reg. License 1080 (OJK Capital Market, OJK IKNB, OJK Banking, and OJK Sharia Banking) has handled various types of companies with various types of business fields: State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Regionally Owned Public Companies (BUMD), Regional Development Banks (BPD), Private Companies, Public Service Agencies (BLU), Cooperatives, Foundations, Non-Profit Organizations, Joint Operations (JO), Consortiums (KSO), Joint Ventures, and other special assignments (financial report review, accounting services, taxation, management consulting, and other non-assurance services).


Bachelor of Economics, Accountant and has a Public Accountant license as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia dated September 4 2015 Number: 704/KM.1/2015, as a Partner has more than 20 years of experience in Public Accounting Firms. Undergraduate (S1) at Tri Sakti University (Jakarta), PPAk at Padjadjaran University (Bandung), and Masters (M.Ak) at STIE Swadaya (Jakarta). Public Accountant Deny Aryanto Bramaningtyas No. Reg. License 1182 (OJK IKNB and OJK Banking) has handled various types of companies with various types of business fields: State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Regionally Owned Public Companies (BUMD), Regional Development Banks (BPD), Private Companies, Public Service Agencies (BLU), Cooperatives, Foundations, Non-Profit Organizations, Joint Operations (JO), Consortiums (KSO), Joint Ventures, and other special assignments (financial report review, accounting services, taxation, management consulting, and other non-assurance services).


Bachelor of Economics, Accountant and has a Public Accountant license listed in the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, dated May 18 2021, Number:493/KM.1/2021, as a Partner has experience for more than 16 years in an Accounting Firm Public and experienced working in Public Accounting Firm at BKR International, KS International, Nexia International, and Crowe Indonesia. Undergraduate (SE) at Sultan Agung Islamic University (Semarang), PPAk at Trisakti University (Jakarta), and Master (M.Ak) at Trisakti University (Jakarta). Public Accountant Nur Khosim No. Reg. License 1753 (OJK Capital Market, OJK IKNB, OJK Banking, and OJK Syariah Banking) has handled various types of companies with various types of fields of business: Manufacturing, property, banking, plantation, mining, insurance, hospitality, telecommunications, oil, mining & gas services, BUMN, hotels, industrial estates, shipping, distributors, trade, investment, insurance, pharmacy.


Bachelor of Economics, Accounting and has a Public Accountant license as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia dated November 4 2020 Number: 629/KM.1/2020, as a Partner, has more than 4 years experience in a Public Accounting Firm. Undergraduate (SE) at Mercu Buana University (Jakarta). Public Accountant Nurhayati No. Reg. License 1706, has handled various types of companies with various types of business fields: State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Regional-Owned Public Companies (BUMD), Regional Development Banks (BPD), Private Companies, Cooperatives, Foundations, Non-Profit Organizations, Joint Operational (JO), Consortiums (KSO), and other assignments other special nature (financial report review, accounting services, taxation, management consulting, and other non-assurance services).


Handled various types of companies with various types of business fields:

  • State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Regionally Owned Public Companies (BUMD), Regional Development Banks (BPD), Private Companies, Public Service Agencies (BLU), Cooperatives, Foundations, Non-Profit Organizations, Joint Operations (JO), Consortiums (KSO) , Joint Ventures, and other special assignments (financial report review, accounting services, taxation, management consulting and other non-assurance services).
  • As Manager of Accounting and Tax of foreign and local companies in Oil and Gas and Mining for 9 years.
  • As an Accounting/Finance/Tax Manager for a PMA (Foreign Investment) company engaged in Export – Import/Forwarding Management Services for more than 5 years.

Primasari Iskandar, SE, MBA, CPA, ASEAN CPA

Bachelor of Economics from the University of Indonesia, and Master of Business Administration from Hult International Business School. Registered as Partner Non-Public Accountant based on Decree Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia dated March 7 2022 Number S-53/MK.1/PPPK/2023.